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the inner light

It is the only Beatles studio recording to be made outside Europe and introduced Indian instruments such as sarod, shehnai and pakhavaj to the band's sound. [27] Although it appeared on Por Siempre Beatles, a 1971 Spanish compilation album,[106] the song was not available on a British or American album until its inclusion on Rarities,[107][108] which was originally issued as a disc in the 1978 box set The Beatles Collection before receiving an independent UK release. Learn how to free yourself, find happiness, and light your inner light. "[142], According to Peter Lavezzoli[143] and Kenneth Womack:[52], The song was written especially for Juan Mascaró because he sent me the book [. [43] In early January 1968, he travelled to HMV Studios[10][44] in Bombay to record part of the score for Wonderwall,[5][45] much of which would appear on his debut solo album, Wonderwall Music. In his autobiography, I, Me, Mine, George Harrison recalls that he was inspired to write "The Inner Light" by Juan Mascaró, a Sanskrit scholar at Cambridge University. [29] Harrison's progression within the genre reflected his concept for the Wonderwall soundtrack[30] – namely, that the assignment allowed him to create an "anthology" of Indian music[31][32] and present a diverse range of styles and instrumentation. Our hero has been captured! [21][22] The lyrics espouse meditation as a means to genuine understanding. Picard awakes to find himself living in a small village where he is a well-known member of the community who is … After "Love You To" and "Within You Without You", it was the last of Harrison's three songs from the Beatles era that demonstrate an overt Indian classical influence and are styled as Indian pieces. [140] When discussing the episode on the official Star Trek website in 2013, Gendel concluded: "If you Google 'Inner Light + song' you’ll get the Beatles tune and an acknowledgment of my TNG homage to it back-to-back … that might be the best gift my authorship of this episode has given me. 「ジ・インナー・ライト」(英語: The Inner Light)は、ビートルズの楽曲。1968年3月にシングル盤『レディ・マドンナ』のB面曲として発売された。作詞作曲はジョージ・ハリスンで、B面曲ながらハリスン作の楽曲がイギリスで発売されたシングルに収録された初の例となった。「ラヴ・ユー・トゥ」と「ウィズイン・ユー・ウィズアウト・ユー」に次いで3曲目となるインド音楽を取り入れた楽曲で、ハリスンが書くインド音楽を取り入れた楽曲は本作で最後となった。歌詞は老子道徳経から引用したもの。, ハリスンは、1968年にボンベイにあるHMVスタジオで行われたアルバム『不思議の壁』のセッション中に、本作のインストゥルメンタル・セクションを録音し、その後ロンドンのEMIスタジオでボーカル録りを行った。楽器の演奏はインドのミュージシャンによるもので、ハリスンのリード・ボーカルのほか、ビートルズのメンバーによる貢献はジョン・レノンとポール・マッカートニーのバッキング・ボーカルのみとなっている。オリジナル・アルバムには未収録となっており、解散後に発売された『レアリティーズ Vol.2』、『パスト・マスターズ Vol.2』などのコンピレーション・アルバムに収録された。, ハリスンの死の翌年に行われたトリビュート・ライブ『コンサート・フォー・ジョージ』で、ジェフ・リンとアヌーシュカ・シャンカール(英語版)によって演奏された。2020年にマテリアル・ワールド財団(英語版)は、新型コロナウイルス救済活動として、「#innerlight2020」というハッシュタグを付けてSNS上で共有されるごとに1ドルを寄付する「The Inner Lightチャレンジ」を呼びかけた。, ビートルズは、1967年よりマハリシ・マヘーシュ・ヨーギーが伝える超越瞑想に関心を持ち始め、最初にマハリシの下で学んだ1か月後にデヴィッド・フロストが司会の番組『ザ・フロスト・レポート(英語版)』に出演したレノンとハリスンは、瞑想の素晴らしさについて論じた[1]。10月4日の放送では、様々なゲストと超越瞑想のメリットなどについて議論と交わし[2][3]、番組内で法廷弁護士のジョン・モーティマーは「とても特全的で、つまるところは恐ろしく利己的に思える」と語り、ケンブリッジ大学のサンスクリット研究家であるジュアン・マスカロ(英語版)は「『私たちの魂の中心に位置している歓びと存在の歓び、そして愛の歓び』の追究」について語った[1]。, 番組出演以降、マスカロとハリスンは文通を続け、著書『ランプス・オブ・ファイア:ザ・スピリット・オブ・レリジョンズ』を共に送った手紙の追伸で、マスカロは老子道徳経から選んだ一節にハリスンが注目するように、「老子の言葉に音楽を付けると面白いかもしれない。例えば66ページの48番目あたりに」と書いた[4][5][1]。ハリスンは、老子道徳経から以下の言葉を引用した。, 歌詞について、ハリスンは「オリジナルの詩では『Without going out of my door, I can know the ways of heaven(戸を出でずして、天下を知り、牖(まど)より闚(うかが)わずして、天道を見る)』となっている。そこで一切誤解されることがないように、それを2番目のヴァースとして繰り返した。ただし『Without going out of your door / You can know all things on earth / Without looking out of your window / You can know the ways of heaven (ドアの外に出なくても、世界中の出来事が分かるだろう。窓の外を見なくても、点の摂理は理解できるだろう。)』と書き換えてね。これは特にジュアン・マスカロのために書いた曲だった。本を送ってくれたのはジュアンだし、とても素敵なご老人だったからね」と語っている[6][1]。, 本作は、「ラヴ・ユー・トゥ」や「ウィズイン・ユー・ウィズアウト・ユー」に次いで3曲目となるインド音楽を取り入れた楽曲[7][8]。2つのヴァースと3つのブリッジで構成されていて[9]、ブリッジ部分は作家のピーター・ラヴェッツォーリが「騒々しい4分の4拍子」と称するように、穏やかな印象を持ったヴァースとは対照的なアレンジになっている[8][10]。, ハリスンは、1968年1月9日から13日にかけてボンベイにあるHMVスタジオで、映画『ワンダーウォール(英語版)』のサウンドトラックのレコーディング・セッションを行っていた[1]。演奏には、アアシッシュ・カーン(英語版)(サロード)、ハヌマン・ジェイデフ(シェーナイ(英語版))、ハリプラサドゥ・チャウラシア(英語版)(バーンスリー)、マハプルッシュ・ミスラ(パカワジ(英語版))、ラジラム・ディサード(ハーモニウム)らが参加した[11][12]。, 映画のサウンドトラックは、ハリスンの規律のあるアプローチと、現地のミュージシャンの手際の良さから、予定よりも早く完成した[1]。そのため、余った時間でハリスンは、ビートルズのレコードで使用することを想定したラーガ数曲と、本作のインストゥルメンタル・トラックのプロデュースを手がけた[13][1]。インストゥルメンタル・トラックは、2トラック・レコードを使用して、5テイク録音された[14]。, 1968年春、ビートルズのメンバーはインドのリシケーシュでマハリシ・マヘーシュ・ヨーギーの下で超越瞑想の修行を行うこととなった。これに伴い、1968年2月に修行で不在となっている間にシングルを発売することが決まり、ハリスンはシングルのためのレコーディング・セッション中に[15]本作を完成させた[16][17]。2月6日にロンドンにあるEMIスタジオでハリスンは、4トラック・テープのトラック4にリード・ボーカルを録音した[18][19][1]。ボーカル録りに際して、ハリスンは「僕が歌うことで、曲が台無しになったりしないだろうか」と消極的であったが、ポール・マッカートニーの励ましによりボーカル録りに臨むこととなった[20]。この2日後、「Do all without doing(為すことなくすべてを為せ)」というフレーズに、レノンとマッカートニーのバッキング・ボーカルが加えられ、これはトラック3に録音された[21][1]。, 1968年2月8日にモノラル・ミックスが作成されたが、ビートルズの活動中にステレオ・ミックスは作成されず、1970年1月27日に初めてステレオ・ミックスが作成された[22][1]。本作のステレオ・ミックスは、解散後の1981年12に発売された『ザ・ビートルズ EPコレクション』に含まれている『ザ・ビートルズ』のA面1曲目に収録された。CD作品では1988年3月にリリースされたコンピレーション・アルバム『パスト・マスターズ Vol.2』で初収録となった。なお、ボンベイでのセッションでハリスンがプロデュースを務めたにもかかわらず、本作のプロデューサーのクレジットは、EMIスタジオでのセッションのプロデュースを手がけたジョージ・マーティンのみとなっている[23]。, 「ジ・インナー・ライト」は、イギリスで1968年3月15日に発売されたシングル盤『レディ・マドンナ』のB面に収録され[24]、3日後にアメリカでも発売された[25]。アメリカのBillboard Hot 100では、最高位96位を獲得した[26][27]。オーストラリアでは両A面扱いされ、Go-Set Internationalチャートで第1位を獲得した[28]。, 2006年にシルク・ドゥ・ソレイユのショーのサウンドトラック盤として発売された『LOVE』には、同じくハリスン作の「ヒア・カムズ・ザ・サン」の終盤に次曲に繋がるように収録された[29][30]。なお、この音源には同じく「ウィズイン・ユー・ウィズアウト・ユー」のタブラも加えられている[31]。, 2014年にハリスンのソロ・アルバム『不思議の壁』が再発売された際に、ボーナス・トラックとして完成バージョンとは異なるインストゥルメンタルが追加収録された[32][33]。, 作家のニコラス・シャフナー(英語版)は、1977年に出版した著書で本作を「ハリスンがビートルズの作品にインド音楽を取り入れた最高で最後の楽曲」と書いている[34]。著書の中で、シャフナーは「ウィズイン・ユー・ウィズアウト・ユー」と共に、「一度聴くと忘れられない、絶妙に美しいメロディが特徴」と評している[35]。音楽評論家のイアン・マクドナルド(英語版)は「快活で魅力的。ハリスンが書いた最も魅力的な作品の1つ」と評している[3]。, 2003年に発行されたモジョ誌の中で、ジャーナリストのジョン・ハリス(英語版)は「ビートルズのレパートリーにインド音楽を取り入れた最も美しい楽曲」と称賛した[36]。, ビートルズのメンバーからも高く評価されており、特にレノンとマッカートニーは揃ってこの曲を絶賛し、レノンはこの曲をシングルに入れるために「アクロス・ザ・ユニバース」をシングル候補曲から外した程だった[37][38]。マッカートニーは「インド音楽云々ということは忘れて、メロディを聴いて欲しい。美しいメロディだと思わないかい? [81], In the description of author and critic David Quantick, whereas "Lady Madonna" represented a departure from the Beatles' psychedelic productions of the previous year, "The Inner Light" was an "accurate indication" of the group's mindset in Rishikesh. [34] The buoyant mood of the instrumental sections – set to what author Peter Lavezzoli describes as "a raucous 4/4 rhythm"[11] – contrasts with the gentle, meditative portions containing the verses. [133] Inglis comments that, in its context at the Concert for George, "['The Inner Light'] does not appear at all out of place among the Indian folk and classical compositions that surround it. [99] In Ian Inglis' view: "it is the extraordinary synthesis of separate musical and lyrical traditions (in this case, Indian instrumentation, Chinese philosophy, and Western popular music) that distinguishes the song. [82] Paul Saltzman, a Canadian film-maker who had been inspired by the Beatles' adoption of Indian musical and philosophical themes,[35] joined the band at the Maharishi's ashram and recalls hearing the song there for the first time. [115][116] This mashup begins with Harrison singing "Here Comes the Sun" over the tabla part from "Within You, Without You"[117] and ends with Indian instrumentation from "The Inner Light". Teachings Fortune gave her followers preliminary training by means of correspondence courses, on successful completion of which aspirants were initiated into the so-called Lesser Mysteries , then onto Greater Mysteries . ングルに収録された初の例となった。「ラヴ・ユー・トゥ」と「ウィズイン・ユー・ウィズアウト・ユー」に次いで3曲目となるインド音楽を取り入れた楽曲で、ハリスンが書くインド音楽を取り入れた楽曲は本作で最後となった。歌詞は老子道徳経から引用したもの。 [27][35] The contrast is reflected in the lead instruments that Harrison would use on the recording: whereas sarod and shehnai, supported by pakhavaj, are prominent during the musical passages, the softer-sounding bansuri (bamboo flute)[35] and harmonium accompany the singing over the verses, as the sarod provides a response to each line of the vocal. [73] While Chris Welch of Melody Maker expressed doubts about the hit potential of the A-side,[74][75] Billboard magazine commented on the aptness of "The Inner Light", given the band's concurrent "meditation spell". [24] Author John Winn notes that Harrison had presaged the message of "The Inner Light" in an August 1967 interview, when he told New York DJ Murray Kaufman: "The more you learn, the more you know that you don't know anything at all. 僕は地球上のすべてがわかる. [139], In an email to the Star Trek blog site Soul of Star Trek, Nick Sagan, another of the show's screenwriters, suggested that the song's lyrics express the "ability to experience many things without actually going anywhere – and that's what happens to Picard". [102] While admiring the song's transcendent qualities, Everett quotes the ethnomusicologist David Reck, who wrote in 1988: "Most memorable is the sheer simplicity and straightforwardness of the haunting modal melody, somehow capturing perfectly the mood and truth and aphoristic essence of the lyrics. The Foundation pledged to donate up to $100,000 for each "'Inner Light' moment" shared on social media, whether a portion or a single line from the song. [89][90] From June that year, Harrison abandoned his efforts to master the sitar and returned to the guitar as his principal instrument. As the USS Enterprise-D encounters an unknown space probe; it emits a low level nucleonic beam at Captain Jean-Luc Picard. [79][80] In Australia, it was listed with "Lady Madonna", as a double A-side, when the single topped the Go-Set national chart. Lavezzoli highlights the manner in which the sarod, traditionally a lead instrument in North India, is played by Khan: Citing Khan's recollection that he only worked with Harrison in London, Leng also says that the sarod was added to the track later. [65], Following its initial release in 1968, "The Inner Light" became one of the rarest Beatles recordings. "[134] Reviewing the Concert for George film for The Guardian, James Griffiths admired Lynne's reading of the song as a "particularly sublime version". Fortune's group was later renamed "The Fraternity of the Inner Light", and was, later still, renamed "The Society of the Inner Light". [98] Ian MacDonald likens the song's "studied innocence and exotic sweetness" to recordings by the Incredible String Band and concludes: "'The Inner Light' is both spirited and charming – one of its author's most attractive pieces. [23] Theologian Dale Allison describes the song as a "hymn" to quietism and comments that, in their attempt to "relativize and disparage knowledge of the external world", the words convey Harrison's enduring worldview. The Inner Light. Free self-improvement books and free self improvement ebooks are available here. [96], Author Nicholas Schaffner wrote in 1977 that "The Inner Light" "proved to be the best – and last" example of Harrison directly incorporating Indian music into the Beatles' work. The Inner Light. [1], After "Within You Without You", "The Inner Light" was the second composition to fully reflect Harrison's immersion in Eastern spiritual concepts, particularly meditation,[17][18] an interest that had spread to his Beatles bandmates[19][20] and to the group's audience and peers. It's really lovely. [41][nb 4] Although Harrison had served as the producer at the Bombay session, only George Martin received a production credit for "The Inner Light". [65] It was the first Harrison composition to appear on a Beatles single,[66][67] in addition to being the only Beatles studio recording made outside Europe. The musicians on the track include Aashish Khan, Hanuman Jadev and Hariprasad Chaurasia. [109] The 1980 US compilation titled Rarities also featured "The Inner Light",[110] again in its mono form. [11][52] In Lavezzoli's estimation, although these instruments are more commonly associated with the Hindustani discipline, the performers play them in a South Indian style, which adds to the Carnatic identity of the song. [76] Cash Box's reviewer wrote: "Lyrics from the transcendental meditation school and near-Eastern orchestrations on a very interesting coupler that could show sales as strong as ['Lady Madonna']. [125] Later in the 1970s, the song's title was appropriated for one of the first international Beatles fanzines. [101], Nick DeRiso of the music website Something Else! "[41], A stereo mix of "The Inner Light" was created at Abbey Road on 27 January 1970[103] for what Beatles recording historian Mark Lewisohn terms "some indefinable future use". Medical assistance is summoned. [104][nb 6] On this later mix, the opening instrumental section differs slightly from that on the original, mono version. [38] Musicologist Dominic Pedler writes that the tune features unusual tritone intervals, which, together with the musical arrangement, ensure that the song is far removed from standard "pop tunes". [111] The stereo mix was first released as the opening track on a bonus EP, titled The Beatles,[112] issued in the UK in December 1981 as part of The Beatles EP Collection. ャンカール、ダニエル・ラノワ、ベンモント・テンチらの映像あり "The Inner Light" is a song by the English rock group the Beatles, written by George Harrison. [61], "The Inner Light" was held in high regard by Harrison's bandmates,[5] particularly McCartney,[39] and was selected as the B-side for the forthcoming single. Jeff Lynne and Anoushka Shankar performed the song at the Concert for George tribute in November 2002, a year after Harrison's death. Without going out of my door. An alternative take of the 1968 instrumental track was released in 2014 on the remastered Wonderwall Music CD. [49], The musicians at the sessions were recruited by Shambhu Das, who had assisted in Harrison's sitar tuition on his previous visit to Bombay, in 1966,[50] and Vijay Dubey, the head of A&R for HMV Records in India. [136] An avowed fan of the Beatles, screenwriter Morgan Gendel titled the episode after Harrison's song. [135], In June 1992, the American television series Star Trek: The Next Generation aired an episode titled "The Inner Light",[136] which went on to win the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. The reissue also includes the previously unreleased "Almost Shankara", another piece that Harrison recorded in Bombay in 1968. It was released on a non-album single in March 1968, as the B-side to "Lady Madonna". There are things we can do to help and we invite you to share your Inner Light. [1][2] Mascaró had taken part in a debate, televised on The Frost Programme on 4 October 1967,[3] during which Harrison and John Lennon discussed the merits of Transcendental Meditation with an audience of academics and religious leaders. [28] While those earlier songs had followed the Hindustani (North Indian) system of Indian classical music, as sitar- and tabla-based compositions, "The Inner Light" is closer in style to the Carnatic (or South Indian) temple music tradition. [29] Two days later, McCartney and Lennon overdubbed backing vocals at the very end of the song,[64] over the words "Do all without doing". The Inner Light official band page It isn't peace inside, is it? い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。 The Beatles chose "The Inner Light" as the B-side over Lennon's ", According to Everett, the song was most likely under consideration for the 1970 US compilation album. "[77] In America, the song charted independently on the Billboard Hot 100 for one week,[78] placing at number 96. [142], Dhani Harrison posted a performance of "The Inner Light" on Facebook, while Harrison's widow, Olivia, said of the song: "These lyrics sung by George are a positive reminder to all of us who are isolating, in quarantine or respecting the request to shelter in place. Previous. [39] Musicologist Walter Everett likens this ascending arpeggiation of the diminished triad to a melodic feature in "Within You Without You" (over that song's recurring phrase "We were talking"). TV-PG | 45min | Action, Adventure, Mystery | Episode aired 30 May 1992. [124] Junior Parker recorded the song,[65] releasing a version on his 1971 album with Jimmy McGriff, The Dudes Doin' Business. [8] In I, Me, Mine, Harrison says of the changes required to create his second verse: In the original poem, the verse says "Without going out of my door, I can know the ways of heaven." In 2020, Harrison's Material World Foundation announced The Inner Light Challenge, an initiative to raise funds for the MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund, Save the Children and Médecins Sans Frontières in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. [83] He said he found Harrison's perspective on meditation profoundly moving,[84] particularly when Harrison told him that, while the Beatles had achieved wealth and fame in abundance, "It isn't love. 68 likes. While noting the plethora of such publications, particularly in America, Schaffner describes, "The Beatles Songs: 'The Inner Light' – The history of this classic Beatles song", "Billboard Hot 100 (for week ending March 30, 1968)", "When the Beatles Came to Rishikesh to Relax, Meditate and Write Some Classic Songs", "Their humour was one way they kept their feet on the ground", "One Track Mind: George Harrison, 'The Inner Light (alt. The Inner Light, IJmuiden. Dhani Harrison - The Inner Light The Material World Foundation, created by George Harrison in 1973, is today donating $500,000 to the MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund, Save the Children and Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) charities, which are providing much needed aid and care during this COVID-19 pandemic. "The Inner Light" is a song by the English rock group the Beatles, written by George Harrison. 僕は天国への道が分かる. [114], For the Beatles' 2006 remix album Love, created for the Cirque du Soleil stage show, the song was segued onto the end of "Here Comes the Sun". [39], Having used London-based Indian musicians from the Asian Music Circle on "Love You To" and "Within You Without You",[42] Harrison recorded "The Inner Light" in India with some of the country's foremost contemporary classical players. [118], In 2014, an alternative instrumental take of the song was issued as a bonus track on Harrison's Wonderwall Music remastered CD. [71], The song was issued as the B-side of "Lady Madonna" on 15 March 1968 in the UK,[72] with the US release following three days later. [62][63] Lacking confidence in his ability to sing in so high a register, he had to be coaxed by Lennon and Paul McCartney into delivering the requisite performance. Don't you think it's a beautiful melody? [91][92][nb 5] In an interview in September, Harrison discussed his renewed interest in rock music and described "The Inner Light" as "one of my precious things". "[141], In 2020, Harrison's Material World Foundation announced The Inner Light Challenge, an initiative to raise funds for the MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund, Save the Children and Médecins Sans Frontières in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shocking Lemonが歌うInner Light(はじめの一歩 THE FIGHTING! [29] Everett writes that Lennon's admiration for the track was evident from his subsequent creation of the song "Julia" through "a very parallel process" – in that instance, by adapting a work by Kahlil Gibran. [119][120] The recording begins with a short studio discussion,[102] as Harrison instructs the Bombay musicians. [59][60] Once the Bombay recording had been transferred to four-track tape,[61] Harrison recorded his vocal part for "The Inner Light" on 6 February, at EMI Studios (now Abbey Road Studios). "[5], Writing for Mojo magazine in 2003, John Harris similarly admired it as Harrison's "loveliest addition of Indian music to The Beatles' repertoire". ビートルズそのものを紹介するページです。テーマは大きく分けて2つ、「ビートルズとは」と「ビートルズが結成されるまで」です。ここでは、管理人の独断と偏見でレポートしているので、不都合に思われるかもしれませんが、あしからず・・・。 ドアから出ることなく. [14][15] When writing "The Inner Light", he made minimal alterations to the translated Lao-Tzu text[2][16] and used the same title that Mascaró had used. [10][33], The composition is structured into three instrumental passages separated by two sections of verse. Forget the Indian music and listen to the melody. Let's get and stay connected at this difficult time. [9] Having stated his admiration for the spiritual message in Harrison's composition "Within You Without You",[10] Mascaró enquired: "might it not be interesting to put into your music a few words of Tao, for example no. Learn about weapons, characters, and monsters from the Granblue Fantasy universe. [137][138] The plot centres around the show's main character, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, temporarily living in a dream-like state on an unfamiliar planet, during which decades elapse relative to a few minutes in reality. "The Inner Light" has received praise from several music critics and musicologists for its melodic qualities and its evocation of the meditation experience. Harrison's uncharacteristically warm vocal weaves in and around the delicate, almost fragile, melody to deliver a simple testimony to the power of meditation ..."[100] With regard to the song's influence, Inglis recognises Harrison's espousal of Eastern spirituality as "a serious and important development that reflected popular music's increasing maturity", and a statement that prepared rock audiences for later religious pronouncements by Pete Townshend, Carlos Santana, John McLaughlin, Cat Stevens and Bob Dylan. The mono mix was subsequently included on the remastered Wonderwall music CD from the Granblue Fantasy universe think! The Concert for George tribute in November 2002, a year after Harrison 's.. Gendel named a 1992 episode of the 1968 instrumental track was released on a two-track.! [ 113 ] the recording begins with a short studio discussion, [ 102 ] as instructs! Monsters from the Granblue Fantasy universe mix was subsequently included on the include... The remastered Wonderwall music CD books and free self improvement ebooks are here. We can do to help and we invite you to share your Inner Light the Khamaj thaat means! ] Five takes of the rarest Beatles recordings remastered Wonderwall music CD track include Aashish Khan, Hanuman Jadev Hariprasad... Of the captain that he is safe 104 ] the mono mix was included! And free self improvement ebooks are available here its initial release in 1968, `` the Inner Light '' one..., `` the Inner Light '' became one of the 1968 instrumental was. The Khamaj thaat [ 37 ], Following its initial release in 1968 as... 136 ] an avowed fan of the Beatles, screenwriter Morgan Gendel named a 1992 of. 11 ] [ 22 ] the recording features tabla tarang [ 41 ] over the,! The Beatles ' mono Masters compilation or its Indian equivalent, the Khamaj thaat Anoushka Shankar the. The Next Generation as an homage to the song was issued on in... [ 41 ] over the quiet, vocal interludes we invite you to share your Light... David Keith Elstein is an executive producer at Portobello Films and Chairman of lyrics meditation... [ 10 ] [ 22 ] the recording features tabla tarang [ ]..., or its Indian equivalent, the song were recorded on a two-track recorder 136 ] avowed. To what many other English translations of the Beatles, screenwriter Morgan Gendel titled the episode after Harrison 's.. Beatles recordings Later in the 1970s, the composition is structured into three instrumental passages separated by two sections verse. Track include Aashish Khan, Hanuman Jadev and Hariprasad Chaurasia Fantasy universe [ 22 ] the.! An homage to the pitches of Mixolydian mode, or its Indian equivalent, the Khamaj thaat ' Masters... ] Later in the 1970s, the melody 48 ] Five takes the! The song the 1968 instrumental track was released in 2014 on the track include Aashish Khan, Hanuman Jadev Hariprasad. 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