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2006;12:153–60. It is also in contradiction to a previous study conducted in Ghana by Ofori et al. Ann Intern Med. Although the etiology of fibroids remains unknown, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are hypothesized to enhance fibroid [12, 13]. Hodge JC, Quade BJ, Rubin MA, Stewart EA, Dal Cin P, Cynthia C. Morton molecular and cytogenetic characterization of plexiform leiomyomata provide further evidence for genetic heterogeneity underlying uterine fibroids. Critchley HOD, Warner P, Lee A, Brechin A, Guise J, Graham B. The results agree with findings by Evans and Brunsel [23] who observed that uterine fibroid increases with age. Uterine fibroid degeneration occurs when a fibroid outgrows its limited blood supply. 2008;111:22–33. It is the most common benign gynecologic tumor affecting premenopausal women [1, 2] which may be associated with considerable hospitalization and morbidity [3, 4]. statement and Uterus. 1995;86:764–8. 2004;8:1–157. Ann ICRP. California Privacy Statement, AHRQ Publication No. Flake GP, Andersen J, Dixon D. Etiology and pathogenesis of uterine leiomyomas: a review. Topics mentioned in this video : Objectives , Myometrial layers, Arcuate vessels, Arcuate veins, Arcuate arteries, Myometrial echogenicity, Myometrial ditzels, Myometrial scars, Post myomectomy defects, Endometrial ablation Adenomyosis, Pseudowidening EM Adenomyoma, Adenomyoma vs. leiomyoma, Leiomyomata, Intramural leiomyomata, Transmural myoma, Submucous myoma, Uterine myoma … Consent was also obtained from all the adult participants. A population-based study [15] in the United States found a cumulative incidence of uterine fibroids of greater than 66 % by ultrasound examination of women approaching age 50 years. 1. & Ofori, E.K. 1.Hyaline Fibroids Degeneration. The findings may aid in appropriate diagnosis and interventions in the country. As fibroids enlarge, they outgrow their blood supply which may evoke cascade of inflammatory reactions and ischaemic changes leading to various types of degenerations. Indian J Radiol Imaging. Coupling gel was applied to the suprapubic region after exposure, and systematic scanning commenced by moving the transducer (identical curvilinear probe of Philips HD3 with frequencies between 2 MHz and 5.0 MHz) over this region. Oct 8, 2017. During menopause fibroids shrink possibly due to the absence of estrogen. Fibroid degeneration takes place when the fibroid has been increasing in size over a number of years, and its blood supply is no longer adequate to support the center of the tumor. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. May show a hypoechoic or heterogeneous uterine mass with cystic areas. The largest fibroid—measuring 91 mm × 92 mm—was posterolateral to the fetus . The present study indicated that the highest prevalence (42.2 %) of the fibroid cases was found among women aged <35 years and the lowest (17.8 %) recorded among women aged greater than 45 years. In general the prevalence or confirmed rate of the participants having fibroid was 36.9 %. Environ Health Perspect. Sub-mucosal fibroids was the least recorded (4.4 %) and was located beneath the mucosa or the endometrial lining of the uterus which is indirectly adjacent to the uterine cavity and are often clinically noted [26, 27] as the greatest cause of irregular bleeding and poor reproductive outcomes due to their closeness to the endometrium. Radiographic features Ultrasound. 1994;83:549–55. CAS  Levy B, Mukhejee T, Hirschhorn K. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of uterine leiomyomas and leimyosarcoma by comparative genomic hybridization. Two-hundred and forty-four (244) patients were evaluated by this study. The centres were chosen because they had identical scanning equipment models and large patient turn over. A quantitative prospective cross-sectional quasi-experimental study design was used to evaluate the uterine fibroid characteristics in two hundred and forty four (244) women of childbearing age by trans abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan. They occur in ~25% of women of reproductive age 1and are particularly common in the African population. 1997;127:910–7. They lie beneath the serosa as they are located at the outer layer of the uterus and tend to distort the outer contour of the uterus. Google ScholarÂ. Check for errors and try again. Article  When the fibroid is degenerating, pain is the most common symptom. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment. Correspondence to 2005;48:258–73. Engel-Hills P. Radiation protection in medical imaging. BMC Health Serv Res. An impression of Uterine Fibroid, with possible hyaline degeneration. Fibroids with hyaline or calcific degeneration are difficult to distinguish from. Broder MS, Kanouse DE, Mittman BS, Bernstein SJ. We decided to manage her conservatively with support from the pain team … Goodwin SC, Spices JB, Worthington-Kirsch R, Peterson E, Prong LS, Myers ER. Therefore parental consent was obtained for those below 18 years. Broadening the age bracket to females of 15 years and above and using sample from three major locations in the country could have accounted for the observed variation. Since additional data other than that provided on patients’ request forms was recorded, patients were made aware of the importance of the study for which data was being taken and the need for their cooperation and consent. 2008;172:1403–10. Sub-serosal fibroids recorded the second highest frequency (25.9 %) location. However, it was a single site study, and the study considered only fibroid among women above 20 years, neglecting those below 20 years. Obstet Gynecol. Publication 60. On ultrasonography, most uterine leiomyomas typically appear as well-defined, solid masses. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The age range, mean and standard deviation (SD) of patients were 14–54 years, 31.9 years and ± 7.9 respectively. Focused ultrasound surgery (FUS) is a noninvasive treatment option for uterine fibroids — noncancerous growths of the uterus. Myxoid (or cystic) degeneration, a gelatinous zone with small cystic cavities that may be a consequence to hyaline degeneration. A total of two hundred and forty four (244) women were evaluated between November 2011–February 2012, using identical 2–5 MHz curvilinear probe of Philips HD3 ultrasound machines at three major diagnostic centers in Ghana, using a trans-abdominal pelvic approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the uterine fibroid characteristics and sonographic patterns of uterine fibroids among Ghanaian women undergoing abdomino-pelvic or pelvic ultrasound scan at three major diagnostic centres. Hyalinization is the commonest type of degeneration. Their typical appearances at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have been well established (,3,,4). It observed that the difference in the findings could be that the current study did not limit the females to those above 20 years as done by Ofori et al. 2000;12:1–8. In general the prevalence or confirmed rate of the participants having fibroid was 36.9 % (90/244). The most common change observed in fibroids that are undergoing this type of degeneration is replacement of the fibrous and muscle fibroid tissues with the hyaline tissue (type of connective tissue). Behavior of leiomyoma durring pragnancy as evalauted by ultrasound. PubMed  Sarkodie, B.D., Botwe, B.O. Different forms of fibroid degeneration can also occur: Hyaline degeneration is the most common, whereby smooth muscle is replaced by fibroid connective tissue. BDS, BOB and EKO helped to design the work, acquired and interpreted data, revised it for important intellectual content, and finally approved the version published. as well as in assessing disease in patients in whom ultrasound findings are. The study revealed that sizes of the nodules were evenly distributed (Table 3). This finding was in aberrant with a previous study [28] which found hypo echoic pattern as the most common (79 %) echo pattern noted in diagnosed fibroid nodules using sonography. The majority, 57.8 % of the fibroids were intramural with only 4.4 % noted as sub-mucosal. volume 16, Article number: 10 (2016) Hyaline degeneration, a smooth homogeneous translucent zone in the fibroid. Jacobson GF, Shaber RE, Hung YY. Clin Obstet Gynaecol. The most popular (55.6 %) echo pattern of the various fibroid nodules was mixed echogenicity. Fibroids create child bearingand marital problems relating to intercourse due to frequent and excessive bleeding, blood changes associated with menstrual cramps and heavy bleeds and therefore a health condition that requires attention. Because cooperation and commitment of the partners involved in the project are crucial, discussions were held with them prior to the study. The process of degeneration usually occurs when the fibroid grows so large that the blood vessels “feeding” the fibroid can no … © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. [Accessed 4th Jul 2012]. The range, mean and standard deviation (SD) of the patients’ ages were 14–54 years, 31.89 years and ± 7.92 respectively. Ofori EK, Antwi WK, Arthur EA, Brakohiapa EK, Sarkodie BD, Dzefi-Tettey K, et al. This was a consistent finding in the current study. 19 (3): 222-31. Article  stimulated by estrogens). J Obstet Gynaecol. The use of ultrasound to diagnose and monitor the growth of fibroid [7] has been well accepted. Fibroid sizes between 3 and 4.9 cm were also 26.3 % prevalent in women below 35 years, 33.3 % in women between 35 and 55 years, and 37.5 % in women at 45 and above years. Number 154. Dystrophic calcification may also occur. CAS  N Engl J Med. Obstet Gynecol. with/without various types of degeneration, such as hyaline, hydropic, myxoid, . On ultrasound exam, a 6.1 cm fibroid was noted. [Accessed 12th Dec 2012]. 2000;95:199–205. The results of the present study also indicated that (57.8) %) of the fibroids were intramural with only 4.4 % been submuscosal. Cystic degeneration is an uncommon type of degeneration that a uterine leiomyoma (fibroid) can undergo. Leiomyomas are by far the most common uterine tumors and the most common gynecologic tumors. The current study also showed that 40.0 % women aged between 35 and 44 years also recorded significant cases of fibroid which is in agreement with previous work conducted elsewhere [19, 20]. The average number of fibroid nodules and diameter of the largest nodule were estimated as, 3.4 and 4.3 cm respectively. This type of degeneration typically occurs during pregnancy. 1998;9:511–1. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Terms and Conditions, Available at: [http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1644050,00.html?cnn=yes. By using this website, you agree to our Box GP 4236, Accra, Ghana, Department of Radiography, School of Biomedical & Allied Health Sciences, University of Ghana, P.O Box KB 143, Accra, Ghana, You can also search for this author in The age range, mean and standard deviation (SD) of patients were 14–54 years, 31.9 years and ± 7.9 respectively. The authorship of this article acknowledges with gratitude the support of the managers of the centres where the study took place. The average number of fibroid nodules and diameter were estimated as, 3.3 and 2.7 cm respectively. When the connecting blood vessels cannot provide enough oxygen to a fibroid, its cells begin to die, or degenerate. 2007;75:1503–8. Technical specifications of the ultrasound scanning equipment used in all three (3) centres are shown in Table 1. BMC Women's Health Author BDS designed the study, performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Growing evidence [5] suggest that fibroids grow from tiny uterine muscle cells and may be initially diagnosed by an imaging procedure as small nodules and can grow to larger sizes where they are palpated through the abdominal wall with size ranging from 2 to 7.5 cm. The recorded situation in Ghana is worrying in view of health and other risk implications. Northington GM, Arya LA. Most of the fibroids were located in more than one part of the uterus. Article  In the lower age group, this may result in infertility and problems with childbearing. Corresponding Author. PubMed  Wilde S, Scott-barrett S. Radiological appearances of uterine fibroids. 2007;146:289–300. Her first trimester ultrasound showed posterior implantation with a single ... High power picture showing the hyaline degeneration of the fibroid polyp ... Submucosal fibroids have long been recognised as one of the causes for placenta accreta as mentioned by Fox. The type of degeneration, as hyaline, cystic, or hemorrhagic (Fig. Focused ultrasound surgery for treatment of uterine fibroids. Hatasaka H. Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Obset Gynecol. Prior to the study, 35.2 % of the sampled participant’s stated that they had been previously diagnosed to have fibroids. % located at the fundus of the uterus. Fibroids with this type of degeneration may show cystic areas with portions of … 1991;21:1–3. [18]. Am J Pathol. Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding: comparison of three outpatient procedures within cohorts defined by age and menopausal status. With respect to echogenicity, mixed echoic pattern of fibroid nodules was the most common recorded fibroid (55.6 %). Article  Lurie S, Piper I, Woliovitch I, GleZeman M. Age related prevalence of sonographically confirmed uterine myoma. Samir FAA, Mohammed KA. Precise knowledge of the histopathologic backgrounds of degeneration and the clinical course helps u… Data was also summarized using tables, bar charts, pie and charts. Chao-Ru C, Germaine MB, Norman GC, Kimberly MP, Jean W-W. Risk factors for uterine fibroids among women undergoing tubal sterilization. Recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. 2003;111:8. Cancer Cytogenet. The most common change observed in fibroids that are undergoing this type of degeneration is replacement of the fibrous and muscle fibroid tissues with the hyaline tissue (type of connective tissue). It would have been interesting to know where and how the previous diagnosis was made, however, this information was not solicited. 4.9), appears to be unrelated to the clinical symptoms . May show a hypoechoic or heterogeneous uterine mass with cystic areas. Finally, patients signed a consent form signifying that they had agreed to the use of the data collected for the study for research purposes. ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads, Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. 2001;153:1. To ensure quality control, all the scans were done by one specialist radiologist with 10 years experience in obstetrics scanning. It is against this backdrop that this study was undertaken to vigorously establish the sonographic pattern and uterine fibroid characteristics of uterine fibroid among Ghanaian women. Hyaline degeneration appears similar to a non-degenerated myoma on T1- and T2-weighted scans because hyaline degeneration represents eosinophilic bands or plaques in the extracellular space; however, after the administration of IV contrast agent, hyaline degeneration causes decreased enhancement, particularly if three-phase dynamic scans are obtained [33, 34]. It is observed that fibroid sizes less than 3 cm were 47.4, 22.3 and 25.0 % prevalence among women below 35 years, 35–44 years, and 45 and above years respectively. 2005;25:42–4. In addition to pelvic pain, red degeneration may cause a low-grade fever and a temporary elevation in white blood cell count, notes Cancer-Disease-Symptoms.org 4. Having fibroids at a much younger age may be related to a strong family history and the increased risk of uterine leiomyoma in people of African descent. BMC Women's Health 16, 10 (2016). Intra-mural fibroids located entirely within the uterine wall are noted to be the most common variety [6]. J Med Appl Biosci. Boulware LE, Marinopoulos S, Phillips KA, Hwang CW, Maynor K, Merenstein D, et al. The best sleeping position for back pain, neck pain, and sciatica - Tips from a physical therapist - Duration: 12:15. Risk of uterine leiomyomata among premenopausal women in relation to body size and cigarette smoking. 3 ) and less enhancement after administration of intravenous gadolinium agents compared to classical fibroids. 2012;4:67–78. Wilcox LS, Koonin LM, Polras R, et al. Hormonal changes could account for this finding. These patients included females who were 15 years old and over; however, excluded were patients with history of hysterectomy. Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumours affecting premenopausal women and are often associated with considerable hospitalization and morbidity. Uterine fibroid embolization. Ann Intern Med. Fatty degeneration, it may be a consequence to hyaline degeneration or due to lipomatous metaplasia, and it is more frequent during puerperium. Masters C. Are hysterectomies too common? In women of child bearing age this may be associated with frequent miscarriages and may also be a cause of dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. Leiomyomas of the urterus (or uterine fibroids) are benign tumors. Google ScholarÂ. Hyaline cystic degenerations of the uterine fibroids may be rare but not uncommon. Changes in rates of hysterectomy and uterine conserving procedures for treatment of uterine leiomyoma. Maria Luisa C. Fogata MD. 2009;361:690–7. Springer Nature. Obstetrics and gynecology. Uterine leiomyoma present a major public health problem. In all, 81, 99 and 64 patients were recruited in centres 1, 2 and 3. The only study by Ofori et al. Cite this article. Additionally, out of the 158 patients who did not know previously of having fibroid, 26 representing 28.9 % were confirmed to have fibroid. In premenopausal women, larger fibroid sizes are expected. The pedunculated type which recorded 7.7 % of all the fibroid cases was noted to be attached to the uterus by a stalk and usually grew bigger into the abdomen [26]. Fibroid has social, economic and medical implications in the female populace. MAGNETIC RESONANCE GUIDED FOCUSED ULTRASOUND • Is a non invasive outpatient, procedure that uses high intensity focused ultrasound waves to ablate the fibroid tissue. The average number (3.3) of nodules recorded in the present study is lower than previously reported [25]. Sarcomatous degeneration is much less likely, occurring in < 2% of cases. Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery. However, it is suggested that two factors influence the ultrasound confirmation rate of fibroid. Calcific degeneration—Central, dystrophic, dense, amorphous calcification can be seen in leiomyomas with hyaline degeneration. Degeneration, involving cell death, occurs inside the fibroid, and calcification, where calcium is deposited in the fibroid tissue, may be seen on an ultrasound scan. Hyaline degeneration of fibroid fibroids ultrasound appearance,fish oil fibroids where are fibroids found,can fibroid tumors burst after removing fibroids. [Accessed 4th May 2011]. PubMed  This type of degeneration is thought to represent ~4% of all types of uterine leiomyoma degeneration. Hyalinization indicates hemangioma involution and histologically corresponds to thrombosis of vascular channels.12,19 T2 signal decreases remaining relatively hyperintense to liver and enhancement is variably absent with as little as minimal peripheral delayed enhancement. Fibroids are the most frequent indication for hysterectomy (abdominal and vaginal) and a leading cause of hospitalizations for gynecologic disorders [8, 9], accounting for approximately one third of all procedures performed annually in the United States and is suggested that black women have a greater fibroid burden than whites [10, 11]. Changes in uterine leiomyomas, such as hyaline, cystic, red and myxomatous degeneration and calcification, are considered to be a result of inadequate blood supply 2. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages and proportions were calculated. Goodwin SC, Spies JB. In our study, a specialist radiologist with 10 years experience undertook the scans post requisitions; therefore our findings are very credible. Approval was also sought from the Medical Directorate of the selected centres. The study shows that most Ghanaian women who have fibroids have degenerative fibroid nodules as these nodules demonstrate mixed echo patterns on ultrasound. Hysterectomy in the United States, 1988–1990. 2010;10:329. doi:10.1186/1472-6963-10-329. The outcome is expected to help in appropriate policy formulation in women care in Ghana. However, many studies [15–17] on ultrasonography pattern of fibroids have been focused on symptomatic white women, with limited study on African women or women with asymptomatic disease. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Age also correlated significantly with the location of fibroid (p = 0.050) and sonographic pattern (p = 0.009). A fibroid can undergo a different type of degeneration known as red degeneration, or necrobiosis. In addition, fibroid sizes 5 cm and above were found in 26.3, 44.4 and 37.5 % of women aged under 35 years, 35–44 years, and 45 and above years respectively. Management of uterine fibroids: an update of evidence. On ultrasound, a typical leiomyoma usually has a whorled appearance, with variable echogenicity depending on the extent of degeneration, fibrosis, and calcification. Han PK. Their echogenicity is usually similar to that of the myometrium, but sometimes they are hypoechoic. When the leiomyoma increases in size, the vascular supply to it becomes inadequate and leads to different types of degeneration: hyaline, cystic, myxoid, or red degeneration. A month was allocated for each diagnostic centre and all patients who were referred to these three major diagnostic centres between the study period, to undertake abdominal-pelvic or pelvic ultrasound examinations were informed and recruited for the study. Table 2 illustrates cross tabulation of participant’s previous diagnosis of fibroids prior to the study against participants confirmed diagnosis of fibroids during the study. Keywords: Fibroid, Hyaline degeneration, Leiom yoma of the uterus, ... A 51-year-old woman was referred with a large adnexal mass that appeared on ultrasound to be a simple ovarian cyst. The findings of this study however, were in contrast with that of Lurie et al., [21] which estimated the prevalence of uterine fibroid as 4 % in women aged 20–30 years, 11 to 18 % in women between 30 and 40 years and 33 % in women between 40 and 60 years. PubMed  2010. It happens when fibroid grows beyond its limited blood supply. Myomectomy in pregnancy is as yet reported in case series. Fibroids appear on ultrasound in various echo patterns namely hypo-echoic, iso-echoic, hyper-echoic and mixed echo pattern [7]. Ultrasound Findings. All pelvic ultrasound images generated at the centres within the study period were evaluated and analysed. Radiography. Sagba F. Uterine Leiomyoma: Urogenital, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Google ScholarÂ. Velebil P, Wingo PA, Xia Z, et al. Premenopausal women (18–45 years) in Ghana constitute about 40 % of the Ghanaian population [22] and are strong component of the country’s workforce and thus contribute immensely to the economy. On MR imaging, this is recognized as areas of lower signal intensity (SI) on T2 weighted images (WI) (Fig. Google ScholarÂ. The sonographic patterns of uterine fibroids in terms of classification and location in the uterus are represented in Tables 5, 6 and 7. That is, the diagnostic competence of the referring physician and the sonographer/radiologists. The age distributions of participants are shown in Fig. 1. Extremely prevalent, they occur in more than 20% of women older than 30 years (,1,,2). Google ScholarÂ. Hai-Yun W, Yang L-L, Zhou S. Impact of periodic health examination on surgical treatment foruterine fibroids in Beijing: a case control study. 3D and 3E). Free Access. Georgetown University-Providence Hospital Family Practice Residency Program, 4151 Bladensburg Rd., Colmar Manor, MD 20722. Evans P, Brunsel S. Uterine fibroid tumors: diagnosis and treatment. Fiore K. Fibroid surgery may up birth rates after recurrent miscarriage. Degeneration is described as hyaline, myxomatous, calcific, cystic, fatty, red (usually only during ... saline is instilled into the uterus, enabling the sonographer to more specifically locate the fibroid in the uterus. Table 4 shows that fibroid sizes and age ranges of participants. Age also correlated significantly with the location of fibroid (p = 0.050) and sonographic pattern (p = 0.009). When blood supply is inadequate, its cells begin to die or degenerate—so whorled appearance of tumor change. PubMed Central  The corpus was the commonest site for location of intramural fibroids and corroborates the results of earlier studies [19]. Benjamin Dabo Sarkodie. Tone and Tighten Recommended for you All authors read approved the final version of the work. Uterine fibroids can undergo hyaline, cystic, myxoid, and red degeneration. The imaging results suggested that the patient's symptoms were caused by the red degeneration of fibroids. Furthermore, the type of degenerative transformation seems to depend on the degree and rapidity of … The differential diagnosis for broad ligament fibroids includes masses of ovarian origin (both primary neoplasms and metastasis), broad ligament cyst, and lymphadenopathy. Google ScholarÂ. Uterine fibroid characteristics and sonographic pattern among Ghanaian females undergoing pelvic ultrasound scan: a study at 3-major centres. 33. [18] have tried to assess the sonographic pattern of fibroid of Ghanaian women using ultrasound and found most of the women to have hypoechoic patterns. The commonest type of fibroids during the study hypo echogenicity manage cookies/Do not my! 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